Sword And ScaleSeason 5

Sword and Scale Episode 116
1 hr 00 min 33 s
16.7k Viewers
On Sunday, October 4th 2009, Milford Police Sgt. Kevin Furlong was dispatched by 911 to 4 Trow Road in Mont Vernon. There had been a home invasion. Inside he found Jaimie Cates with multiple stab wounds and injuries and the body of her mom Kimberly Cates with numerous slashing and stab marks. Who would have done such a thing to this poor family?
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16.7k Viewers
On Sunday, October 4th 2009, Milford Police Sgt. Kevin Furlong was dispatched by 911 to 4 Trow Road in Mont Vernon. There had been a home invasion. Inside he found Jaimie Cates with multiple stab wounds and injuries and the body of her mom Kimberly Cates with numerous slashing and stab marks. Who would have done such a thing to this poor family?
- Gribble Describes Mont Vernon Attack
- David Cates Testifies In Spader Trial
- Description Of Mont Vernon Attack Brings Father To Tears
- Officers Describe Finding Jaimie In House
- Prosecutor Stares Down Spader During Testimony
- Suspects Charged With Using Knife, Machete In Attacks
- Gribble Questioned By Police Before Confession
- Interrogator To Gribble: We're Talking About A Homicide
- Gribble Talks About Confessing To Police
- Gribble Confesses To Mont Vernon Killing
- Glover Describes Night Of Mont Vernon Killing
- Marks Says Suspects Stole Jewelry After Attacks
- Gribble Asks Police About Jaimie Cates
- 'He Said He Had Killed 2 People'
- Spader Said Scene Was Like 'Halloween Movie'
- Witness Describes Threats Made By Spader
- Glover Says Spader Wanted To 'Eat People'
- Steven Spader's 2010 Trial
- Judge Sentences Spader
- Gribble Fared Poorly In Cross-Examination
- Gribble Questioned About Mindset During Killing
- Gribble: Inmates Don't Know How Dangerous I Am
- Gribble: It Is Possible That I Could Kill Again
- Gribble Describes Fantasies Of Killing Mother
- Strelzin: You Don't Want To Know What I Think Of You
- Gribble's Mother On Son's Death Threats
- Dr. Wouldn't Classify Gribble As Insane In 2007
- Gribble's Mother: He Knew It Was Wrong To Kill
- Gribble Seemed Normal Day Before Murder
- Gribble Verdict Read
- David Cates Reads Victim Impact Statement
- Judge: 'Infinity Not Enough Jail Time For You'