Sword and Scale Episode 146
1 hr 13 min 06 s
20.3k Viewers
Domestic violence happens every day. It happens so often that as a society we’re numb to it. When Brandon Clark stabbed Bianca Devins in the throat it was just another case of domestic violence. But when Brandon posted the gory photo online taunting Bianca’s beta orbiters and then attempted suicide live on Instagram, the story Bianca’s murder took on a life of its own.
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20.3k Viewers
Domestic violence happens every day. It happens so often that as a society we’re numb to it. When Brandon Clark stabbed Bianca Devins in the throat it was just another case of domestic violence. But when Brandon posted the gory photo online taunting Bianca’s beta orbiters and then attempted suicide live on Instagram, the story Bianca’s murder took on a life of its own.
Bonus Content
- Poe Street Homicide
- Man Charged with Murder in Death of Utica Teen
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- Boilermaker Wheelchair Race Starts After Significant Delay
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- Geay wins back-to-back Boilermaker 15K open championship
- Murder near Boilermaker race leads police to Cicero home
- Interview with Bianca's Friend Chels
- Interview with Caesar about Bianca
- OBOY - Ivy
- Kourosh Dini - Moments of Birth
- DP Kaufman - All We Can Do
- AlterEgo - Bounce