Sword And ScaleSeason 7

Sword and Scale Episode 161
1 hr 01 min 15 s
25.1k Viewers
On May 6th, 2013, Sharlene Bosma watched as her husband Tim pulled away from their house on a test drive with two strange men, never to return again. Finding the mysterious kidnappers will only be part of the struggle. Finding out what happened to Tim Bosma will lead to the most gruesome discovery of all.
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25.1k Viewers
On May 6th, 2013, Sharlene Bosma watched as her husband Tim pulled away from their house on a test drive with two strange men, never to return again. Finding the mysterious kidnappers will only be part of the struggle. Finding out what happened to Tim Bosma will lead to the most gruesome discovery of all.
- Video: Fire Crackling
- Cremation Facts
- Video: Dellen Interrogation
- Video: BAJA 500 Sounds
- “Wayward Son” (Tim Bosma Overview)
- Wayne Millard Trial, Day 1
- Accused Killer Asks Friends to Keep Tabs on Laura Babcock
- Good Guy Emerges at Grim Trial
- Video: Laura Babcock Meows
- Laura Babcock Trial, Thursday
- Shawn Lerner Texts To Dellen Millard
- Babcock Sentencing
- Video: Mark Smich “SAY 10” Rap
- Laura Babcock Trial, Tuesday
- Tense Exchange with Killer
- BBQ Ready for Meat
- Photo Inside Incinerator
- Embers and Mark Smich Babcock Rap
- Friend Reacts to Smich Babcock Rap
- Video: Initial Police Press Conference
- Video: Sharlene Please
- Video: Hamilton Police Update, May 10th
- Video: Hamilton Police Update, May 11th
- Nouda Wipes Down Truck
- Video: Tim Bosma Truck
- Video: Sharlene Bosma Broken
- Smich Parties At Sister’s Wedding
- Wedding Pic
- Another Wedding Pic
- Aardverk - Found
- Colossus - Continuum
- Aeroplanes - Mind Meld
- Hill - Mild to Moderate Hysteria
- Bryant Lowery - 3AM