Sword and Scale Episode 210
1 hr 06 min 16 s
41.4k Viewers
In 2010, Indiana sentenced the third minor in the state's history to life in prison without parole. This is the story of a small town boy without a criminal history who by nature saw the world through a different lens and whose nurture led to preoccupations of murder.
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41.4k Viewers
In 2010, Indiana sentenced the third minor in the state's history to life in prison without parole. This is the story of a small town boy without a criminal history who by nature saw the world through a different lens and whose nurture led to preoccupations of murder.
- Teen Killer Reads Statement In Court
- 'Morning Routine' Title Sequence | Dexter | SHOWTIME
- Defense attorneys call witnesses on behalf of Andrew Conley
- Andrew Conley Charged With Murdering Brother
All content is the result of FOIA requests other than the sources listed below.
- MDStockSound - Let’s Play The Game
- Chrisna Lungala - Call Me When You Get Home
- Frank Schlimbach - Behind The Dark Curtain
- Rift - Red Haze
- Jameson Nathan Jones - All Things Fade
- Jon Gegelman - Grief from Space
- GL Composer - Cloudy Waters
- Yehezkel Raz - Longing
- James Forest - Snow World Pt. 2
- James Forest - Into Dust
- Jelliot - Midnight Sacrifice
- Joel Loopez - Lapis Lazuli