Sword and Scale Episode 237
Megan Rose Hiatt thought she had met her Prince Charming when a handsome, military man named Gawain Rush Wilson waltzed into her life and swept her off her feet. A year later her world would be changed forever. Today we tell a story of tragedy and survival.
Megan Rose Hiatt thought she had met her Prince Charming when a handsome, military man named Gawain Rush Wilson waltzed into her life and swept her off her feet. A year later her world would be changed forever. Today we tell a story of tragedy and survival.
Bonus Content
If you feel compelled to help Megan out with the expenses caused by this tragic story, and help her continue to spread message to those who may be helped by it, you can do so at her verified GoFundMe.
- Megan's GoFundMe
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- One Safe Place
- Julie Owens, Domestic Violence Expert
All additional audio was obtained through exclusive interview or FOIA request
- t1000 - Splasher!
- False Route - Christophe Gordon
- Underscore - Hampus Naeselius
- And There He Was - Bonn Fields
- Mindful - Megan Wofford - *Melody Stem*
- Come to Life - Hampus Naeselius
- Before Dawn - Jelliot
- The Deluge - Breathing Tides
- Cold Solitude - Jelliot
- Whispers of the Wind - Miles Avida
- In the Woods - Spectacle Wallet and Watch
- Stormy Nights Ahead - Miles Avida
- Wheezing - Dylan Sitts, Ooyy