Sword and Scale Episode 258
1 hr 13 min 12 s
45.3k Viewers
Micheal Redlick was a high-powered sports executive in his mid-sixties living with his kids and much younger wife, Danielle. To onlookers, the Redlick family seemed to have it all, but inside their gorgeous multi-million dollar home, misery had been brewing for decades and it all imploded on January 11, 2018.
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45.3k Viewers
Micheal Redlick was a high-powered sports executive in his mid-sixties living with his kids and much younger wife, Danielle. To onlookers, the Redlick family seemed to have it all, but inside their gorgeous multi-million dollar home, misery had been brewing for decades and it all imploded on January 11, 2018.
Bonus Content
- WATCH LIVE_ FL v Danielle Redlick - Wife On Trial For Murder Day 4
- Danielle Redlick Acquitted of Murdering her Husband
- High on the Waves - Interx
- A Silent World - FiniteMusicForge
- Beyond the Summit - Bendy
- Everything Is One - Alex Grohl
- Sea of Crystals - Frequently Asked Music
- Beginning of Light - Frequently Asked Music
- Open Windows - Frequently Asked Music
- Mystery At Midnight - Alex Grohl
- Empty Houses - Frequently Asked Music
- From Out There - Alex Grohl
- Curious Neighbors - Alex Grohl
- A Black Hole - Alex Grohl
- Ambient Piano Background - PaBlikMM
- From Earth to Space - Pereveslo
Content Warning Classification
Sexual assaultKIDS
Violence against childrenPETS
Violence against animals