Sword and Scale Episode 31
2.2 million people suffer from schizophrenia in the United States. You have a one in a hundred chance of encountering one on any given day. Most are non-violent people struggling with a debilitating disease, but for a small percentage of these people, the voices in their head can lead a handful of them down a path from which there is no return. We discuss the cases of Vince Weiguang Li, Alton Nolen and Derek Ward. All three of these men decapitated their victims, with a complete lack of empathy, while undergoing a severe psychotic episode. The brutality of their attacks are unimaginable.
2.2 million people suffer from schizophrenia in the United States. You have a one in a hundred chance of encountering one on any given day. Most are non-violent people struggling with a debilitating disease, but for a small percentage of these people, the voices in their head can lead a handful of them down a path from which there is no return. We discuss the cases of Vince Weiguang Li, Alton Nolen and Derek Ward. All three of these men decapitated their victims, with a complete lack of empathy, while undergoing a severe psychotic episode. The brutality of their attacks are unimaginable.
- Are people with schizophrenia more likely to be violent?
- Man decapitated (head cut off) on Canadian bus
- Vince Li in court: "Please kill me."
- Vince Li, Greyhound Bus Beheader, Granted Unsupervised Outings
- Could bus killer Li go free?
- Alex Jones interview with Tim McLean's Mother pt1, pt2
- Aftermath of Murder: Carol de Delley Interview
- Greyhound bus killer found not criminally responsible
- Oklahoma beheading: Fired employee attempted to convert coworkers to Muslim faith
- Oklahoma beheading: 911 audio
- Alton Nolen charges and press conference
- Alton Nolen's Facebook page depicted beheading a month before release from probation
- Oklahoma Beheading Suspect Alton Nolen's Mom Responds
- Mom beheaded by son on Long Island ID’d as Farmingdale State College professor
- Professor Patricia Ward Identified As New York Woman Allegedly Beheaded By Son