Sword and Scale Episode 94
Randy Stair secretly identified as a female for years. She ditched her given name for the pseudonym Andrew Blaze and also ditched the YouTube channel she had worked on for a large part of her life to pursue animation. The cartoons she created were dark, angst-ridden creations derived from an existing Nickelodeon character that she was infatuated with and believed existed in some otherworldly plain which she planned to be welcomed into after murdering three of her coworkers.
Randy Stair secretly identified as a female for years. She ditched her given name for the pseudonym Andrew Blaze and also ditched the YouTube channel she had worked on for a large part of her life to pursue animation. The cartoons she created were dark, angst-ridden creations derived from an existing Nickelodeon character that she was infatuated with and believed existed in some otherworldly plain which she planned to be welcomed into after murdering three of her coworkers.
Bonus Content
- Skater's "Well-Constructed" Video
- Skater's initial video
- Skater's misgendering accusations and claims of autism after this episode was released
- Skater's Tribute Song to the Killer
- Danny Phantom Wiki
- Weis Market Shooter Leaves Online Footprint for Police to Follow
- Andrew's Twitter Account where he posted his goodbye and links to the material he left behind
- Another Twitter Account
- Andrew's Journal
- Timeline
- Tweet from alleged shooter in murder-suicide: ‘Goodbye humans…I’ll miss you’
- News Report - Bomb Squad Called
- Multiple Articles from WNEP
- Tumblr
- Community Reacts
- Weis employee kills 3 co-workers, self in store spree
- Multiple Articles & Videos from Fox56
- Heavy.com Article
- Daily Mail Article
- Exagerated lip-synching
- Losing it
- Voice Actor Talks about Randy Stair
- Randy Describes his Plan in Detail
- Goodbye to Parents Part 1
- Goodbye to Parents Part 2
- Happy About Ammo
- Target Practice
- Shoots his iPod Touch - Destroying things gives him joy
- Shooting May 2nd, 2017 Rachael and Mackenzie - 3:30: “Smell of Death”
- Randy Losing His Shit After Being Accused of Copying YouTube Video Ideas
- Playing Russian Roulette as a Child
- A Furby's Calling Commentary
- Unoriginal Furby Idea
- 8th year doing youtube videos
- Kid saying “fuck” a lot
- Little Kid
- Another video as a kid
- 2004 “Once I kill you” (MOCK SUICIDE AT AGE !!)
- How well do you know your friends?
- Believe in Ghosts
- “World closing in on me”
- 4 years of pioneers productions
- I’m you
- Planned Route
- Final Video
- Murder Preperation Video
- Randy's Friend - Weird Video
- Family of Weis shooter issues statement
- Remembering The Victims of the Supermarket Shooting
- Hayes Family Relief Fund
- Pennsylvania supermarket shooter looked at witness amid Weis Market massacre, decided to spare her life