In the tiny, rural village of Emerson, Nebraska, where only about 800 people live nestled in the northern, rolling hills, a series of inexplicable events begins to unfold. What seems like an ordinary morning turns into a nightmare as a young mother stumbles upon clues that hint at foul play on her boyfriend’s property. As the clues quickly mount, the truth reveals itself to be far worse than anyone could have imagined.
In the tiny, rural village of Emerson, Nebraska, where only about 800 people live nestled in the northern, rolling hills, a series of inexplicable events begins to unfold. What seems like an ordinary morning turns into a nightmare as a young mother stumbles upon clues that hint at foul play on her boyfriend’s property. As the clues quickly mount, the truth reveals itself to be far worse than anyone could have imagined.
- Man Sentenced to 50-60 Years for Northeast Nebraska Homicide
- Two Charged in Emerson Man’s Death After Body Parts Found
- Surber Found Guilty of All Charges, Including 1st Degree Murder, in Death of Kraig Kubik
- State V Surber (2022)