Laborious poster
plusFirst level tier imageS&S NightmaresSeason 2


25 min 12 s
8.1k Listeners

When a 46-year-old woman calls 9-11 for help after a sudden home birth, suspicions are raised when she shows no signs of labor. Police would soon discover the grisly truth behind the baby’s unexpected birth.

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8.1k Listeners

When a 46-year-old woman calls 9-11 for help after a sudden home birth, suspicions are raised when she shows no signs of labor. Police would soon discover the grisly truth behind the baby’s unexpected birth.

Bonus Content

Gather around as we weave the harrowing narrative of Clarissa Figueroa and the untimely demise of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez. This saga is as captivating as it is sorrowful, and we shall guide you through the pivotal chapters and the characters that played their part in this drama.

We shall recount the cunning plot hatched by Clarissa Figueroa and her cohorts, who ensnared Marlen Ochoa-Lopez with the promise of complimentary baby items, only to lead her into a dire predicament with fatal consequences. Our tale delves deeper than merely chronicling the events; we will explore the ripple effects, the rallying of the community, and the judicial system's response to this heinous act.

As our tale unfolds, we shall pause to honor the memory of Marlen, reflecting on her existence and the heritage she bequeathed. Our intent is not to glorify the atrocity but to comprehend its ramifications and to memorialize a life that was extinguished prematurely.

We invite you to journey with us as we unravel this narrative, ponder its significance, and extend our homage to Marlen Ochoa-Lopez. The narrative is challenging, yet the importance of narrating these tales with empathy and thoughtfulness cannot be overstated.


All other sources via interview or FOIA request.