Surgeon poster
plusSecond level tier imageS&S NightmaresSeason 2


29 min 10 s
7.4k Listeners

A long-time dream turns into a nightmare for a Virginia man trapped in a cabin in the Oklahoma woods. Kia Aster had the highest hopes when he met a stranger at the airport. But what he thought would be a quick and painless trip landed him in the emergency room bleeding, collapsed, and unconscious.

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A long-time dream turns into a nightmare for a Virginia man trapped in a cabin in the Oklahoma woods. Kia Aster had the highest hopes when he met a stranger at the airport. But what he thought would be a quick and painless trip landed him in the emergency room bleeding, collapsed, and unconscious.

In a chilling and disturbing true crime story that unfolded in the small town of McAlester, Oklahoma, the quest for self-discovery and acceptance took a dark and perilous turn for Kai Aster. Desperate to align his physical body with his gender identity, Kai embarked on a risky journey that led him to the fringes of the medical world, where he encountered a man named Bob Allen. Allen, who had no medical qualifications, presented himself as a "cutter" capable of performing gender reassignment surgeries for those unable to access traditional healthcare avenues.

Driven by a deep-seated need for transformation, Kai made the fateful decision to accept a dubious offer of free surgery from Allen. Despite the red flags and his own reservations, Kai's desire for change overpowered his instincts, and he found himself traveling to a secluded cabin in the woods, a place far removed from any legitimate medical facility.

The surgery that ensued was not only unauthorized but also broadcasted live over the internet, a horrifying spectacle for an unseen audience. The procedure quickly spiraled into a nightmare as Kai suffered severe life-threatening complications. In a state of shock and intense pain, he was eventually discovered in a local emergency room, disoriented and in dire need of professional medical attention.

The grim reality of the situation came to light when Deputy Newby, tasked with investigating the incident, stumbled upon a macabre scene. The makeshift operating room was a tableau of horror, with rudimentary surgical tools and an environment wholly unsuited for any kind of medical procedure. But the investigation took an even more sinister turn when evidence suggested that Bob Allen harbored cannibalistic intentions, a revelation that added a grotesque dimension to the already gruesome case.

Bob Allen and an accomplice were promptly arrested, their actions exposing the dark underbelly of illegal surgeries and the extreme lengths to which some individuals will go to exploit the vulnerabilities of others. Kai's harrowing experience serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers inherent in the pursuit of identity and acceptance, especially when it leads individuals away from the safety of regulated medical practices and into the hands of predators. The story of Kai Aster is not just a cautionary tale about the risks of underground surgeries but also a poignant commentary on the societal challenges faced by those seeking to reconcile their identity with their physical selves.
