EP12 | Sick image
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EP12 | Sick

3.4k Viewers

In the sweltering heat of a Phoenix summer, police uncover a crime so shocking it leaves a community reeling. But as the truth unravels, a heartbreaking story of love, betrayal, and a system’s failure comes to light.

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On a scorching summer morning in 2015, Phoenix police made a gruesome discovery inside a quiet suburban home—one that sent shockwaves through the community. Trina Heisch had been brutally murdered and dismembered in her home. As details emerged, the case took a darker turn. The person responsible for the horror was none other than the man she trusted most, the man her children called Dad — her husband.

Trina Heisch was more than just a victim—she was a daughter, a mother, and a woman searching for stability in a life that had rarely offered it. Struggling with mental illness and drug addiction, and compounded by toxic relationships, her story is one of resilience overshadowed by tragedy. For those who loved her, the pain of her loss was made even worse by years of helplessly watching her suffer, caught in the grip of a system that failed her at every turn.

Join us in this heartbreaking episode of Sword and Scale as we uncover the tragic story of Trina Heisch as recounted by her mother, son and daughter. Through their voices, we expose the devastating gaps in mental healthcare that ultimately sealed her fate.



Host: Mike Boudet (@SwordandScale/@MBoudet)

Creator: Ash Patiño (@AshesToAshTV)

Director: Mark Serao (@Peacemaker_Picture_Society)

Director of Photography: David Patiño (@DavidPatino)

Producer: Dana Serao (@Peacemaker_Picture_Society)

Camera/Audio: Nicholas Goncalves (@NicholasAntonioGoncalves)

Additional Crew Listed on Episode